
Mechanism for rapid growth of local & community power

Approval Voting: a mechanism for rapid growth of local power, and for freedom for rural outstate regions from the heavy-handed rule of their state’s metropolitan area.

In past decades, and especially since the 2020 election, there have risen a handful of ‘soft session’ populist groups… mostly consisting of groups in rural states that want freedom from domination by their state’s metro area. These groups have organized and unified counties that wish to leave their respective states, and wish to merge with adjoining states that are free from metro-area rule.

Because the politicians of both major parties will be almost unanimous in opposition to the idea of splitting states, this issue will be nearly impossible to implement… unless a mechanism arises that can cause rapid spread of the state-splitting idea across wide swaths of the nation.

That mechanism is Approval Voting… an election system that allows Independent candidates to compete, on a level playing field, with candidates from both major parties. This is a system that could most easily emerge at the local level, and could spread to communities and counties across the nation. The spread will be slow for a brief period, but will explode when people view first-hand what the new system is capable of.

The most advantageous capability of Approval Voting is this: the voter does not fear “throwing away his vote” on an unelectable third-party candidate, because the voter can vote for multiple candidates, including the “safe” major-party candidate.

Therefore, a locally popular independent candidate is going to get lots of votes, and even a loss will cement his or her policies… and persona… into the minds of the local public… thereby enhancing that particular candidates chances of winning next years election. Furthermore, now that the new system’s capabilities are known, the next election will attract a large number of highly qualified independent candidates, and much funding of independent candidates.

Think about what that means… attracting a large number of highly qualified candidates. That means there will be at least one independent candidate who totally supports the main issue that is important to the local populace… just as last year’s candidate did… but this new candidate will be a motivational speaker who endears himself to audiences, has great organizational abilities, will be well-funded, and will be just as familiar with congressional activities as would be a major-party candidate.

An Independent candidate who can serve his public as well as the major-party candidate… with the added bonus of supporting the main social issue important to the local public.

This highly-qualified independent candidate would have an excellent chance of defeating the major-party candidate, and in doing so, revolutionizing Approval Voting across wide swathes of the country.

Even just one successfully-implemented Approval Voting election, occurring in some part of the country, may be enough to cause an explosion of such election reforms in the following years.

And, in like manner, there would also occur a cementing of the demands made by ‘soft secessionist’ advocates for changing the borders of certain states.

Such a thing would portend the end of two long-suffering centuries of having our candidates picked for us by elites. No more picking from the worst of two evils. And, those of us who wish to unite our God-fearing communities and counties with others of like mind, will have the final say about whether or not we can make such a move.

Note: the details of approval voting will be included in an upcoming post. For now, suffice it to say that the system is a multiple-choice system that allows one to give a full vote, or a fraction of a vote, to multiple candidates…thereby disposing of the fear of “throwing your vote away on an unelectable candidate”.

Note 2: do not confuse Approval Voting with the much-bally-hooed “Ranked-choice Voting”, which is an unwieldy, cumbersome device that protects incumbents and does nothing for independent candidates. Nearly all political scientists agree that Approval Voting (also called Range Voting) is the best form of multiple-choice voting, and is also better than the current system used in the United States.

More updates to this post coming soon.


How Strange Changes Happen in a Society

How Strange Changes Happen in a Society… and the Populace Has No Idea How or Why.  A textbook case: The Club of Rome.

By John Hilt. 5 minute read. Much information in this article is courtesy of book reviewer Daniel Kemp.


The Club of Rome is an activist group begun in 1968 by David Rockefeller and associates, with the purpose of solving the “world over-population” problem. It has many influential members, including heads of states and corporate CEO’s.

In the mid-1980’s, the Club of Rome shifted their activism from world over-population to global warming. Evidence exists that the switch was done because the Club realized that the over-population issue would never fire the imaginations of the public; something different would be needed.

Below are excerpts from Club of Rome’s 1991 book “The First Global Revolution”, and from Carroll Quigley’s “The Anglo-American Establishment”, (1949). The excerpts have been taken not directly from the books, but from a review of the books by Daniel Kemp.

Here is the link to the book review:

In Part A, you will get a feel for the globalist mindset and bareknuckle tactics of Club of Rome. Part B will demonstrate in detail the main tactic used by such organizations.

Part(A)Club of Rome, in their 1991 book “The First Global Revolution”, discusses the need to find… or invent… a common enemy, as a prelude to a top-down change of society:

Excerpt 1. (2 paragraphs) from “First Global Revolution”

“It would seem that men and women need a common motivation, namely a common adversary to organize and act together; in the vacuum such motivations seem to have ceased to exist — or have yet to be found.
The need for enemies seem to be a common historical factor. States have striven to overcome domestic failure and internal contradictions by designating external enemies. The scapegoat practice is as old as mankind itself. When things become too difficult at home, divert attention by adventure abroad. Bring the divided nation together to face an outside enemy, either a real one or else one invented for the purpose. With the disappearance of the traditional enemy, the temptation is to designate as scapegoat religious or ethnic minorities whose differences are disturbing.” [15] (*sentences in bold were not bold in original article)

Paragraph 2:

In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. . . . The real enemy, then, is humanity itself.” [16]

Part (B)Carroll Quigley (The Anglo-American Establishment, 1949) gives details of the main strategy used by organizations like Club of Rome, to implement top-down change of a society.

First, a summary of the Quigley excerpt… from a 21st century perspective… by book review author Daniel Kemp:

“And you can get people to believe that it’s carbon dioxide that’s causing global warming by doing that thing that Carroll Quigley talks about in his book where you get a bunch of people that the public think are separate (i.e. journalists, T.V. people, etc.), but they are connected together, and you have them all saying the same thing; that people are causing global warming.”

Excerpt 2: (from Carroll Quigley’s book, “The Anglo-American Establishment)

“The greater part of its [, The Times,] influence arose from its position as one of several branches of a single group, the Milner Group. By the interaction of these various branches on one another, under the pretense that each branch was an autonomous power… the influence of each branch was increased through a process of mutual reinforcement. The unanimity among the various branches was believed by the outside world to be the result of the influence of a single Truth, while really it was the result of the existence of a single group. Thus a statesman (a member of the Group) announces a policy. About the same time, the Royal Institute of International Affairs publishes a study on the subject, and an Oxford don, a Fellow of All Souls (and a member of the Group) also publishes a volume on the subject (probably through a publishing house, like G. Bell and Sons or Faber and Faber, allied to the Group). The statesman’s policy is subjected to critical analysis and final approval in a “leader” in The Times, while the two books are reviewed (in a single review) in The Times Literary Supplement. Both the “leader” and the review are anonymous but are written by the members of the Group. And finally, at about the same time, an anonymous article in The Round Table strongly advocates the same policy. The cumulative effect of such tactics as this, even if each tactical move influences only a small number of important people, is bound to be great. If necessary, the strategy can be carried further, by arranging for the secretary to the Rhodes Trustees to go to America for a series of “informal discussions” with former Rhodes Scholars, while a prominent retired statesman (possibly a former Viceroy of India) is persuaded to say a few words at the unveiling of a plaque in All Souls or New College in honor of some deceased Warden. By a curious coincidence, both the “informal discussions” in America and the unveiling speech at Oxford touch on the same topical subject.” [19]

Closing Notes – John Hilt

(Note 1:) sentences in bold were not bold in original article.

(Note 2:) In their book, the Club of Rome also briefly discussed their philosophy that democratic governments are no longer sufficient to address in a timely fashion the problems of the modern world… therefore making necessary a change to autocratic governments. This webpage will be updated with “Excerpt 3” as soon as that particular quote is located.

(Note 3:) There will also be an update when I find references to Carroll Quigley in Club of Rome’s book.


Election Fraud Research by Patrick Byrne

Chapter VII.) Research by activist Patrick Byrne, as described in his book The Deep Rig. (This chapter added in 10/18/22 update.)

Part A.)From Ch. 7 of the book. This chapter has 23 pages, that are not numbered. I’ve taken the liberty of numbering them myself. The chapter outlines the activities of Patrick Byrne and his scientists during the month of December 2021 and first week of January 2022. Important items are listed below.

Pg.2)How Byrne’s associate General Flynn became an ‘enemy of the state’.

Pg.4)How Byrne almost got the opportunity, in mid-December, to show Trump the results of his group’s research.

Pg.10)At an end-of-December meeting of Byrne and several of his scientists, it is disclosed that: 1)At a vote-counting location in Savannah, GA, an internet connection has been discovered between a wireless card inserted in a vote-counting machine, and a smart thermostat mounted on the wall. Someone from China Telecom had come through the internet onto the smart thermostat, in order to connect to the machine. 2)the software installed in all Georgia Dominion machines is ten to fifteen years old, and is highly susceptible to penetration.

Pp. 6 & 11-14)Byrne associate infiltrates Fulton County ballot warehouse, gets photographic evidence, which is relayed to Georgia State Senate. Senate then demands to inspect the warehouse. Shredder truck arrives shortly thereafter, loads several tons of ballots and begins illegally shredding. The shredding operation is stopped by local authorities. FBI arrives shortly thereafter, takes control, then orders shredding to continue.

Pp. 16-17)An end-of-December meeting is held. Byrne’s scientists present results of their research to a group of congressmen. Included in the group is delegate sent by V.P. Pence. The vice-president, upon hearing the evidence, says he will halt the U.S. Senate vote scheduled for January 6, while the evidence is investigated. Byrne and his scientists are given speaker’s badges, and are to be allowed to present the evidence to the American public on the January 6th event stage.

Pp. 19 & 21-23)At the last minute, V.P. Pence is convinced by advisor Marc Short, and possibly others, to discard his plan to postpone the U.S. Senate vote while fraud is investigated. Byrne and his scientists were prevented, on Jan 6, from speaking on-stage and presenting their fraud evidence to the American public. The group had been given speaker’s badges, and had been seated near the stage, but were not allowed on-stage.

Coming in next update: “Suggested things to research from Ch.VII”


Election Fraud Cases, partial list, ’82-present

Chapter VI, below, was added in an 10/08/22 update. The chapter will be expanded regularly for the next several months.

Chapter VI.) A collection of absentee ballot fraud cases from previous decades. This chapter is being included in order to give a historical perspective to the 2020 election… something that has been sorely lacking in all discussions of the election.

The media would like to let an uninformed public believe that major election fraud has been a rare thing in the nation’s past. Why? Because ignorance of election history makes it easier for the public to believe the media’s claim that the 2016-2020 period of political hand-to-hand combat, riots, arson, and murder, was followed by a clean, fraud-free national election… an election that was supposedly conducted by honest organizations, rather than nefarious organizations staffed by experienced perpetrators of election fraud.

As will be demonstrated during future updates of this chapter, election fraud techniques are, in fact, handed down from generation to generation, among the local politicians in many areas of the nation.

Part A.)Research from book Deliver the Vote: A History of Election Fraud, An American Political Tradition 1742-2004 by Tracy Campbell

P. 281 – In a 2001 report written by the Kentucky secretary of state, the magnitude of the problem was candidly expressed: “Absentee vote fraud in Kentucky is as serious a threat to legitimate elections as outdated punch cards are in Florida.”

P. 281 – One candidate for sheriff stated he could prove that votes were being bought, “if I wanted to get killed.”

Pp. 282-283 – In Dodge County, in south-central Georgia, a primary was held in July 1996 for an assortment of local offices…. both candidates, McCranie and Mullis, were convicted of… conspiracy to buy votes….

P. 285 – No state had gone as far as Oregon, where, beginning in 1996, all elections were conducted by mail… A study of the 2000 Oregon election showed that five percent of voters in one county acknowledged that others had marked their ballots and 2.4 percent admitted someone else had actually signed them.

Pp. 286-287 – On Election Day (Miami), November 4, 1997… “Once an absentee ballot (is) sent in the mail”, (David) Leahy admitted, “we lose control of it. That’s where the vote broker comes in. They can buy it, take it, or talk a vote out of someone who doesn’t know what to do with it.”

P. 288 – …a 1984 Florida Supreme Court ruling that stated courts could invalidate an election’s results if fraud could be proven to have permeated the balloting.

P. 289 – In February 1998, a (Florida) grand jury found that absentee-ballot brokers were essentially “thieves who steal democracy,” and concluded that fraud had tainted the election results.

P. 290 – On March 4, Judge (Thomas S.) Wilson (Jr.)… ordered a new election in two months. (Florida)

P. 291 – A study conducted by Caltech and MIT concluded: “The convenience that on-demand absentees (ballots) produce is bought at a significant cost to the real and perceived integrity of the voting process.”

P. 330 – By 2004, one of the largest manufacturers of touch-screen voting machines was Diebold, Inc., whose CEO, Walden O’Dell… boasted, “I am committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral vote to the president.”

P. 330 – A Diebold vice president, Thomas Swidarski, dismissed charges that programmers could steal votes, and in a phrase eerily reminiscent of Boss Tweed, stated: “Programmers do not set up the elections, election officials do.”

Part B.)Research from article “A Brief History of Mail-In Vote Fraud”, by Dan O’Donnell, 05/28/20

1)1982 Illinois gubernatorial election, extensive fraud ring set up by Chicago Democratic party officials. Main fraud tool was absentee ballots. After extensive federal investigation, 63 convicted on vote fraud charges.

2)1994 in Greene County Alabama, 12 community leaders convicted of mass producing counterfeit absentee ballots.

3)1994 Hialeah, Florida, mayor’s race voided and rerun after mass production of counterfeit absentee ballots was discovered.

4)2003, East Chicago, Illinois, mayoral race voided and rerun due to extensive election fraud.

5)2008 activist group ACORN investigated for election fraud in 10 states, five members convicted.

6)2012 widespread intimidation of elderly and disabled voters in Martin, Kentucky. Absentee ballots involved. 90 months jail time for mayoral candidate Thomasine Robinson.

7)2017 Dallas City Council election, widespread mail-in ballot harvesting operation discovered.

8)2018 North Carolina, large-scale absentee ballot fraud operation by GOP congressional candidate Mark Harris.

9)2005 Commission on Federal Election Reform concludes that “Absentee ballots remain the largest source of potential voter fraud.”



Paired-Box Ballot Counting

A fraud-resistant method for the inspection and counting of mail-in ballots, and for permanent storage of envelopes and ballots for public viewing. To be used at the precinct level.

This method will provide election transparency, and increased public confidence in election results.

Proposed Fraud-Prevention Methodology for counting of mail-in ballots:

1)The inspection and counting will be open to poll watchers and to the public.

2)Separation of ballots from their envelopes. The ballots, still in their envelopes, will be separated into groups of 50; next, their envelopes will be removed; then, the ballots and envelopes from each group of 50 will be put into two separate, uniquely-numbered boxes… one box for ballots, the other for envelopes. From this point on, each pair of boxes… one containing 50 ballots, the other containing 50 envelopes… will remain paired for perpetuity, including when the boxes go to storage.

So… just as in the old system… no ballot can be matched with any particular envelope… thereby protecting our legacy of the legally-mandated secret ballot. However, under the Paired-Box system, any fraud that is detected will be known to have originated from among a particular group of 50. Although the offender is unknown, it will be exponentially easier to correct the problem, than it would be if the fraudster were totally anonymous among the entire voting population.

3)Inspection. The inspection process of the first batch of 50 ballots and its corresponding batch of 50 envelopes, will begin. It will be done by multiple poll workers, and viewed by the public.

Note: the above-mentioned inspection occurs before the vote-counting process. They are two separate processes.

Any pair of 2 boxes in which suspect ballot(s) or envelope(s) is(are) discovered, will have the suspect document(s) attached to the outside of the box. After the remainder of the contents of the 2 boxes have been inspected, all current action on this pair of boxes will stop, until the offending document(s) can be inspected by election professionals.

4)Repairing of discovered fraud. If one or more of the suspect document(s) is(are) found to be, in fact, fraudulent, then all of the 50 voters associated with the 2 boxes must re-vote.* In this manner, the fraudulent vote has been isolated even without having a method to identify the perpetrator(s) of the fraud… thereby maintaining our legacy of the secret ballot.

In this manner, election integrity and the secret ballot are both protected. Under the old system, discovery of a fraudulent envelope(s) would be useless, because we can’t make everyone in the county re-vote. Under the new system, we only have to require a relatively small number of people to revote, in order to eliminate fraudulent votes.

*NOTE: Although a fraudulent envelope WOULD require a re-vote, a fraudulent ballot would not, since the offending ballot could just be removed and not added to the final vote count. Because the integrity of the election has been restored by the removal of the offending ballot, a re-vote would be optional; the only purpose would be to attempt to discover the street address used by the perpetrator.

5)Storage. After inspection and counting, all boxes will be security-taped and placed in a secure storage facility for perpetuity. Public viewing will be available. Whenever security tape is removed from a box for viewing, afterward a new security tape will be put on the box, and both old and new security tape numbers will be written on the box and recorded in a master file.

6)Identifying and viewing your ballot. Any voter who wishes may contact election authorities with the serial number of his/her ballot, in order to ensure it was counted and not misplaced; the voter may view an electronic image of his/her ballot, or travel to the storage facility to physically view the ballot.

7)Future expansions to Paired-Box Ballot Counting. The above Methodology is the bare-bones version; possibilities for expansion of the program are virtually endless.

Below are examples:

—a)Electronic viewing of the inspection and counting processes, by the audience. The inspection and counting processes could be displayed, in close-up, on overhead monitors for the benefit of the audience. The monitors would be large enough so that the tiniest details of ballots and envelopes could be easily discerned. Audience members would be allowed to videorecord the monitors during the entire process; or, audience members could request (for a fee) copies of in-house recordings.

Thusly, the public in attendance at the ballot-counting would have the same close-up view of the ballots and envelopes as the poll workers and poll watchers… and also, would have the option of possessing of the same videorecorded permanent record as the county office of elections.

—b)Alternatives to separation by hand. The separation of ballots/envelopes could be done by machine, in the event there are complaints about the process being done by poll workers. (Who might see how someone voted.) Or, other creative methods could be devised whereby workers never see the front of the envelope that contains the address, during the separation process.

—c)Computerized lists of non-valid addresses. Poll workers and poll watchers… and any member of the public who wishes… could be in possession of computerized lists of vacant lots and other non-valid addresses that potentially could be used for the production of fraudulent votes.

Conclusion: Two methods for implementation of the Paired-Box Ballot Counting Initiative, should it be approved.

Should this ballot initiative be passed into law by the voters of ____________ county, here is how it will be entered into the books:

1)As a law, if there is no ruling in existence by a state, federal, or other authority, that prevents its implementation.

2)If such a ruling exists or is made, then the law will enter the books as a resolution, until such time as the ruling is repealed; at that time the resolution will revert to a law, and will be implemented.


Ballot Initiative #2: mail-in ballot Fraud Prevention

This document is a Citizen’s Ballot Initiative Template for the processing, handling, and storage of mail-in ballots, at the precinct level, in ___________ county, for the purposes of: 1)preventing fraud, and 2)permanent storage of the validated documentation of the election results, for the public to inspect.

Note: This ballot initiative template is in a format designed to be shown as a promotion to the public, during canvassing of the voters of __________________ county. The final version of this template will be done in a traditional format, for entry as a ballot measure for a county election.


The citizens of _____________ county demand that our elections be conducted in a transparent manner that is satisfactory to all. We are not satisfied with the claim by election professionals that “once the ballot and its envelope are separated, there is no way to check on the validity of the election results, because the sanctity of the secret ballot must be protected.”

Our demand is being made not because the citizens of our county suspect past fraud, but rather because in light of nationwide events of the past years, we wish to feel totally secure in our election process.

Furthermore, we feel that should this experiment be successful, it would provide an example for citizens elsewhere who also feel a need for election security.

In the event that this proposed initiative wins at the ballot box and becomes a statute, but there exists a ruling by federal, state, or other authority that prevents its implementation, then it will remain on the books as a ‘resolution’, until such time as the ruling preventing its implementation is repealed.

Proposed Fraud-Prevention Methodology for counting of mail-in ballots:

1)The inspection and counting will be open to poll watchers and to the public.

2)Separation. The ballots, still in their envelopes, will be separated into groups of 50; next, their envelopes will be removed; then, the ballots and envelopes from each group of 50 will be put into two separate, uniquely-numbered boxes… one box for ballots, the other for envelopes. From this point on, each pair of boxes… one containing ballots, the other containing envelopes… will remain paired for perpetuity, including when the boxes go to storage.

So… just as in the old system… no ballot can be matched with any particular envelope… thereby protecting our legacy of the legally-mandated secret ballot. However, it will be known that any fraud that is detected has originated from among a particular group of 50. Although the offender is unknown, it will be exponentially easier to correct the problem, than it would be if the fraudster were totally anonymous among the entire voting population.

3)Inspection. The inspection process of the first batch of 50 ballots and its corresponding batch of 50 envelopes, will begin. It will be done by multiple poll workers, and viewed by the public.

Note: the above-mentioned inspection occurs before the vote-counting process. They are two separate processes.

Any pair of 2 boxes in which suspect ballot(s) or envelope(s) is(are) discovered, will have the suspect document(s) attached to the outside of the box. After the remainder of the contents of the 2 boxes have been inspected, all current action on this pair of boxes will stop, until the offending document(s) can be inspected by election professionals.

4)Repairing of discovered fraud. If one or more of the suspect document(s) is(are) found to be, in fact, fraudulent, then all of the 50 voters associated with the 2 boxes must re-vote. In this manner, the fraudulent vote has been isolated even without having a method to identify the perpetrator(s) of the fraud… thus maintaining our legacy of the secret ballot.

In this manner, election integrity and the secret ballot are both protected. Under the old system, discovery of a fraudulent envelope(s) was useless, because we can’t make everyone in the county re-vote. Now, we only have to require a relatively small number of people to revote, in order to clean up the mess.

Discovery of a fraudulent ballot would be useful also, but not as critical since the ballot could just be removed and not added to the vote count. Since the integrity of the election has been restored by the removal of the offending ballot, a re-vote would be optional; the only purpose would be to attempt to discover the street address used by the perpetrator.

5)Storage. After inspection and counting, all boxes will be security-taped and placed in a secure storage facility for perpetuity. Public viewing will be available. Whenever security tape is removed from a box for viewing, afterward a new security tape will be put on the box, and both old and new security tape numbers will be written on the box and recorded in a master file.

6)Any voter who wishes may contact election authorities with the serial number of his/her ballot, to ensure it was counted and not misplaced.

7)For the sake of simplicity, some details have been omitted from this Methodology section; for example, before a re-vote, voters could be contacted and asked if they had voted, in an attempt to discover the street address(es) that were the source of the problem. Another example: the separation of ballots/envelopes could be done by machine, in the event there are complaints about the process being done by poll workers; or, creative separation methods could be devised whereby workers never see the front of the envelope that contains the address, during the separation process.

Conclusion: Two methods for implementation of the initiative.

Should this ballot initiative be passed into law by the voters of ____________ county, here is how it will be entered into the books:

1)As a law, if there is no ruling in existence by a state, federal, or other authority, that prevents its implementation.

2)If such a ruling exists or is made, then the law will enter the books as a resolution, until such time as the ruling is repealed; at that time the resolution will revert to a law, and will be implemented.


Rest Home Poll Watching

Here is what I gleaned from a Sept. 1 zoom meeting.

Activities consist of two segments: 1)building a list by conducting interviews with the facilities in your area. The main purpose is to categorize each facility as to how difficult the election-day poll watching will be; i.e. will the staff be agreeable to your presence, is there a probability of voting fraud taking place. 2)doing the actual poll-watching on election day. Presumably, a volunteer would be encouraged to perform both the above activities, but not required to do so.

Training will be provided.

Be nice but firm with the facility staff members, on election day.

A great way to put facility staff at ease is to mention “my job here is to put the public at ease with the knowledge that the election is transparent. Your work here is greatly appreciated, and I don’t intend to interfere or be obstinate.”

Rest home poll watching is somewhat easier than precinct poll watching, since you are dealing with, at most, a few hundred voters rather than several thousand.

The duties on election day will consist of: 1)observing the interaction between partially incapacitated, elderly voters, and the individuals who are assisting them to vote. 2)inspecting signature sheet to ensure all signatures are for current residents of the facility.

This post will be updated at some point.


Rationale #3

This post describes the rationale for using the book “The Miracle of Freedom: Seven Tipping Points that Saved the World” as reading material for the program Media Analysis Skills Training.

“Of all the people who have ever lived in the world…only 3 percent have lived under freedom.” This startling introduction to “Miracle of Freedom” grips the imagination, and sets the stage for the stories that are to come.

The book will expose youngsters to facts about Western Civilization that they will not learn elsewhere in modern public education. They will learn that over a period of several millennia, the societies collectively known as “the West” have been the only groups in world history who have nurtured the small, centuries-apart sparks that eventually ignited into today’s modern free societies.

The spell-binding stories about ancient Hebrews, Greeks, Romans and others, will fire the imaginations of young freshmen and sophomores.

No student who has read this book will ever be fooled by the frenetic West-bashing currently in fashion in the public school system. That result is the goal of this particular book-reading.


Rationale #2

This post describes the rationale for using the book “Why We Whisper – Regaining Our Right to Say It’s Wrong” as reading material for the training program Media Analysis Skills Training. The book describes the effect of propaganda on American institutions during the last several decades. Outlined below are segments of the book that illustrate its effectiveness

Pp. 36-42 This section of the book describes how the Supreme Court became the engine for the dissolution of American institutions; discussed are three landmark court cases: –Everson v Board of Education, 1947. –Engle v Vitale, 1962. –Griswold v Connecticut, 1965.

Pp. 51-78 describes two mechanisms that have created today’s secular society: –the Cultural Development Cycle. –the Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation (SLAPP).

Pp. 96-111 outlines the history of American universities’ transformation to secularism, beginning in the late 1800’s.

Pp. 113-124 description of the tactics used in landmark battles of the culture war, 1992-2005.

In conclusion: Why We Whisper gives the reader a thorough understanding of the mechanisms that drive the dissolution of democratic societies, and of how we arrived at the current state of political correctness.


Rationale #1

This post describes the rationale for using the book “Intellectuals and Society” as reading material for the training program Media Analysis Skills Training. The purpose is to enable the student to recognize propaganda in media, film and literature.

This book is appropriate for honors students at the senior level.

Below are selected examples, transcribed from the book, of types of propaganda described in the book. These examples represent only a fraction of the topics discussed in the book; the book is a wide-ranging treatise on the motivations behind propaganda, how it reaches the public, and how it effects government decisions. Sowell is a master writer who presents mundane facts in a spell-binding manner.

Intellectuals and Society is a powerful and unique book that is indispensable for understanding the events of the 20th and 21st centuries. All examples below, and the associated page numbers, are from the First Edition. (2009)

Number 1: media manipulation of poverty statistics in America. (to prove the existence of an enduring poor class, consisting of 20% of the population) pp.38-39

“Only by focusing on the income brackets, instead of the actual people moving between those brackets, have the intelligentsia been able to verbally create a “problem” for which a “solution” is necessary…but the routine rise of millions of people out of the lowest quintile over time makes a mockery of the “barriers” assumed by many, if not most, of the intelligentsia.” (p.39)

“Behind many of those numbers and the accompanying alarmist rhetoric is a very mundane fact: Most people begin their working careers at the bottom, earning entry-level salaries. Over time, as they acquire more skills and experience, their rising productivity leads to rising pay, putting them in successively higher income brackets. These are not rare, Horatio Alger stories. These are common patterns among millions of people in the United States and in some other countries. More than three-quarters of those working Americans whose incomes were in the bottom 20 percent in 1975 were also in the top 40 percent of income earners at some point by 1991. Only 5 percent of those who were initially in the bottom quintile were still there in 1991… Yet verbal virtuosity has transformed a transient cohort in a given statistical category into an enduring class called “the poor”.” (p.38)

Number 2: media manipulation of firearm statistics. (for the purpose of advancing gun control/confiscation.) pp.124-125

“….much of what is said about the effect of gun control on crime rates in general, and on the murder rate in particular, is based on what kinds of statistics are repeated endlessly and what kinds of data seldom, if ever, reach the general public.” (emphasis added)

“It has, for example, been repeated endlessly in the media and in academia that Britain and various other countries with stronger gun control laws than those in the United States have murder rates that are only a fraction of the murder rate in the United States— the clear implication being that it is the gun control which accounts for the difference in murder rates. Having reached this conclusion, most of the intelligentsia have seen no reason to proceed further. But a serious attempt to test the hypothesis of an inverse relationship between restricted gun ownership and the murder rate would make other comparisons and other breakdowns of statistical data necessary. For example:

1) Since we know that murder rates are lower in some countries with stronger gun control laws than in the United States, are there other countries with stronger gun control laws than the United States that have higher murder rates?

2) Are there countries with widespread gun ownership which have lower murder rates than some other countries with lower gun ownership rates?

3) Did the murder rate differential between the United States and Britain originate with the onset of gun control laws?

Those who were content to stop when they found the kinds of statistics they were looking for were unlikely to ask such questions. The answers to these three questions, incidentally, are yes; yes; and no.

Russia and Brazil have tougher gun control laws than the United States and much higher murder rates. Gun ownership rates in Mexico are a fraction of what they are in the United States, but Mexico’s murder rate is more than double that in the United States. Handguns are banned in Luxembourg but not in Belgium, France or German; yet the murder rate in Luxembourg is several times the murder rate in Belgium, France or Germany. An international statistical study found that Switzerland, Israel and New Zealand “have relatively lax gun control laws and/or high firearms availability, yet have homicide rates that differ little from those in England or Japan”— which is to say, homicide rates a fraction of those in the United States.”

(Dr. Sowell continues with more examples, but we will stop here)

Number 3: suppressing news stories. (NYT and UK media suppress news of Ukraine Genocide, 1933. Millions die in obscurity.) pp.122-123

“One of the most historic examples of suppressing facts was the reporting and non-reporting of the Soviet Union’s government-created famine in the Ukraine and the North Caucasus that killed millions of people in the 1930s. New York Times Moscow correspondent Walter Duranty wrote, “There is no famine or actual starvation, nor is there likely to be.”

“….meanwhile, British writer Malcolm Muggeridge reported from the Ukraine that peasants there were in fact starving: “I mean starving in its absolute sense; not undernourished as, for instance, most Oriental peasants…and some unemployed workers in Europe, but having had for weeks next to nothing to eat.” Muggeridge wrote in a subsequent article that the man-made famine was “one of the most monstrous crimes in history, so terrible that people in the future will scarcely be able to believe it ever happened.” Decades later, a scholarly study by Robert Conquest, The Harvest of Sorrow, estimated that six million people had died in that famine over a period of three years. Still later, when the official archives were finally opened in the last days of the Soviet Union under Mikhail Gorbachev, new estimates of the deaths from the man-made famine were made by various scholars who had studied material from those archives. Most of their estimates equaled or exceeded Dr. Conquest’s earlier estimates.”

At the time of the famine, however, this was one of the most successful filtering operations imaginable. What Muggeridge said was dismissed as “a hysterical tirade” By Beatrice Webb, co-author with her husband Sidney Webb of an internationally known study of the Soviet Union. Muggeridge was vilified and was unable to get work as a writer, after his dispatches from the Sovit Union, and was so financially strapped that he, his wife and two small children had to move in with friends.

Except for Muggeridge and a very few other people, a famine deliberately used to break the back of resistance to Stalin— killing a comparable or larger number of people as those who died in the Nazi Holocaust— would have been filtered completely out of history, instead of being merely ignored, as it usually is today. This was not a matter of honest mistakes by Duranty and others. What Duranty said privately to some other journalists and to diplomats at the time was radically different from what he said in dispatches to the New York Times. For example, in 1933 a British diplomat reported to London: “Mr. Duranty thinks it quite possible that as many as 10 million people may have died directly or indirectly from lack of food in the Soviet Union during the past year.”

Number 4: suppressing data p.123

“Statistical data can also be filtered, whether by omitting data that go counter to the desired conclusion (such as data on Asian Americans) or by restricting the release of data to only those researchers whose position on the issue at hand is in accord to that of those who control the data. For example, a statistically based study by former college presidents William Bowen and Derek Bok was widely hailed for its conclusions supporting affirmative action in college admissions. But when Harvard Professor Stephan Thernstrom, whose views on affirmative action did not coincide with theirs, sought to get the raw data on which the study’s conclusions were based, he was refused. Similarly when UCLA professor of law Richard Sander sought to test competing theories about the effect of affirmative action in law schools by getting data on bar examination pass rates by race in California, supporters of affirmative action threatened to sue if the state bar released such data— and the state bar then refused to release the data.

In these and other cases, statistics are filtered at the source, even when these are taxpayer-financed statistics, collected for the ostensible purpose of providing facts on which informed policy choices can be made, but in practice treated as if their purpose is to protect the prevailing vision.”

Number 5: Assassinating the character of a public official by creating a fictitious public image of the official.

Below are two examples taken from the section “Fictitious people and fictitious countries”. This section is one of the most poignant descriptions of propaganda in the book. As the title of the section suggests, the media also creates fictitious images for entire countries.

President Hoover pp.132-133. This section documents that Hoover was nothing like how history has portrayed him.

“Perhaps the most striking example in twentieth-century America of a fictitious persona being created for a public figure…was that of Herbert Hoover. Hoover’s misfortune was to be President of the United States when the stock market crash of 1929 was followed by the beginning of the Great Depression of the 1930s. Had he never become president, Herbert Hoover could have gone down in history as one of the greatest humanitarians of the century. It was not simply the amount of money he donated to philanthropic causes before he became president, but the way he risked his own personal fortune to rescue starving people in Europe during the First World War that made him unique.”

“Because the blockades, destruction and disruptions of the war had left millions of people across Europe suffering from hunger, or even starving, Hoover formed a philanthropic organization to get food to them on a massive scale. However, realizing that if he operated in the usual way, by first raising money from donations and then buying the food, people would be dying while he was rasing money, Hoover bought the food first, putting his own personal fortune at risk if he could not raise the money to pay for it all.”

“So much for the real Herbert Hoover. What whole generations have heard and read about is the fictitious Herbert Hoover–a cold, heartless man who let millions of Americans suffer needlessly…”

“…the falsity of this picture was exposed back during the Great Depression itself by leading columnist Walter Lippmann, and that falsity was confirmed in later years by former members of Roosevelt’s own administration, who acknowledged that…most of the New Deal was simply a further extension of initiatives already taken by President Hoover.”

Lippmann, writing in 1935, said:

“…the policy initiated by President Hoover in the autumn of 1929 was something utterly unprecedented in American history. The national government undertook to make the whole economic order operate prosperously…the Roosevelt measures are a continuous evolution of the Hoover measures.”

Supreme Court justice (1991-present) Clarence Thomas pp.134-138. The treatment by the intelligentsia of Justice Thomas follows a pattern similar to their treatment of President Hoover.

“…Clarence Thomas has been described as a loner, permanently embittered by his controversial Senate confirmation hearings…a virtual recluse in private life…Wall Street Journal called him ‘Washington’s most famous recluse’…depicted in New Yorker article as ‘someone who can really talk only to his wife…the couple’s life appears to be one of shared, brooding isolation’…”

“Those who have bothered to check out the facts, however, have discovered a flesh-and-blood Clarence Thomas the exact opposite of the fictitious Clarence Thomas portrayed in the media. Repoerters for the Washington Post…interviewed colleagues and former clerks of his, as well as consulting notes made by the late Justice Harry Blackmun at private judicial converences amont the justices, and came up with a radically different picture of the man:

“Thomas is perhaps the court’s most accessible justice–except to journalists…He is known to spot a group of schoolchildren visiting the court and invite the students to his chamabers. Students from his alma mater, family members of dormer clerks, people he encounters on his drives across the country in his 40-foot Prevost motor coach–all are welcome…

“Thomas seems to have an unquenchable thirst for conversation…A planned 15-minute drop-by invariably turns into an hour, then two, sometimes three, maybe even four, according to interviews with at least a dozen people who have visited with Thomas in his chamabers…Washington lawyer Tom Gold stein, whose firm devotes itself primarily to Supreme Court litigation, has met all the justices and has declared Thomas ‘the most real person’ of them all.”

This is the end of Rationale #1; two more rationales will be published for other books, later this month or in September.