Antidepressants and School Violence

“Attacking the premise of the Left, rather than accepting their premise and then continuing the debate from that point, will be a revolutionary act.” – adapted from quote attributed to George Orwell

by John P Hilt [email protected] 312-259-5842 (text or voicemail best) activist since 2010. Member

Second amendment activists, and school reform activists; there is an issue that requires your attention.

Once again, the Left is using a school tragedy in an attempt to gain political advantage.

This time, they are moving at a faster-than-usual pace, and have quickly gained support in Congress for an extreme gun-ban bill, H.R. 1808.

It is important to face these opportunists publicly, immediately, and in a big way.

Something is afoot in our nation that is not normal; the public is aware of this only at a subconscious level. By addressing the school violence issue head-on and loudly presenting the true facts, we can wake up and recruit a big segment of the public.

Here is our grievance:

For decades the public schools have been churning out maladjusted individuals…some with homicidal tendencies…while at the same time attempting to shift the blame on to others.

Here are our demands:

1)Use of antidepressants with dangerous side effects must cease immediately in public schools, and children who are on them shall be put on to withdrawal programs.

2)Class size in public schools will be reduced immediately, to sizes comparable to private schools.

3)Individuals exhibiting violent tendencies will be removed immediately, and be sent either to private schools, home schooling or GED schooling.

4)Effective immediately, any parents wishing to enroll their children in private schools will be awarded the tax money they would have paid supporting their local public school.

See below the work of Dr. Ann Blake-Tracy, PhD, International Coalition for Drug Awareness.

Ann Blake-Tracy’s qualifications:

Evidence that antidepressants are a major cause of school violence: (we recommend that you temporarily stop reading at section “Database with Documentation of School Shooters”, and click the link below)

Database with documentation:


Why you should take action now:

The Left, for years, has never been willing to address the root causes of school violence. They ignore the knifings, attacks with blunt instruments, and other violence, only going public when firearms are involved.

Conservatives, following a similar pattern, have always failed to attack the faulty premise with which the Left begins their school violence arguments: that firearms are the root cause. Instead, conservatives have consistently relied only on Constitutional arguments against gun bans. The public has always been subconsciously aware that something is being left out from these debates.

Attacking the premise of the Left, rather than accepting their premise and then continuing with the debate from that point, will be a revolutionary act.

How to Take Action (step one) Most people have little spare time, and will never progress beyond Step one. That’s fine. This step will have enormous impact: contact a Congressperson!

The current situation is unique, in that many Congressmen have fought for school safety reforms, and many others have fought against firearm bans…. but none, to this point, have utilized an incredibly valuable tool: the work of The International Coalition for Drug Awareness in exposing the root cause of school violence.

Most people, even many who’ve contacted a Congressmen in the past, have had doubts about the effectiveness of their activities. This time is different! Any Congressman who has been active in the issues we are discussing, will instantly realize the potential of this tool. Contact a Congressperson, any Congressperson, now! Either phone or email is acceptable. It would be best to include for your congressman the three links shown earlier in this article. The 3 articles would be hard to find because the website has hundreds of articles.

It’s best to only contact A-rated and Conservative congresspersons. Anything else is a waste of time…we’re looking for statesmen who will spread the message, not politicians who will throw it in file 13.

Below are links to help you easily select, and contact, a congressperson or candidate:

NRA Candidate Ranking page. (I’ve taken the liberty of setting it to Missouri.) This page ranks candidates; when I find the page that ranks sitting congressmen I will include it in an update of this section.

Page to Contact US Senators.

Page to Contact US Representatives.

US Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions. This link is great for those of you parents whose main interest is in school safety but not firearm control issues. Dr. Rand Paul is a member of this committee.

How to Take Action: (step two) Begin by showing up at rallies for conservative candidates. There’s probably no need to buy a ticket. Stand outside, near the entry point. Bring signs, leaflets, and possibly an adjustable bullhorn. It may be necessary to walk with your sign, rather than staying in one spot. Make sure the public knows our mottos: “schools are the problem, not guns” and “big Pharma is the problem, not guns”. It’s best, but not required, that you arrive at the event having done some research on potential questions from interested people, regarding what your mission is. Write down the questions you can’t answer, for later research. Ask people if they want to be contacted with new developments; if so have them write down their contact info on a pad you have with you. 2)On a regular basis, go to page “How to Debate” – a ‘coming soon’ page on this website – for the latest research on how to answer questions people will ask you at rallies. 3)at some point, we will make the first presentation to a county board meeting. Be prepared, by having done research and having prepared hard copies that document the research. Have copies available for committee members and for other attendees at the meeting. When the meeting ends, be outside with signs, leaflets, and bullhorn. Give leaflets to meeting attendees as they leave, and to passing motorists.

This evening I will attempt to recruit one or more associates of mine, to begin the above process in Illinois and Wisconsin. I urge the reader to do likewise in his or her locale. Contact me for downloadable rally signs. I’m going to a rally this weekend, alone; I’ll stand my rally sign someplace, in order to free up my hands for passing out leaflets; or, carry it with me.

Updates to this webpage will occur on a regular basis; mostly they will be found here at the ending.

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