
Election Fraud Cases, partial list, ’82-present

Chapter VI, below, was added in an 10/08/22 update. The chapter will be expanded regularly for the next several months.

Chapter VI.) A collection of absentee ballot fraud cases from previous decades. This chapter is being included in order to give a historical perspective to the 2020 election… something that has been sorely lacking in all discussions of the election.

The media would like to let an uninformed public believe that major election fraud has been a rare thing in the nation’s past. Why? Because ignorance of election history makes it easier for the public to believe the media’s claim that the 2016-2020 period of political hand-to-hand combat, riots, arson, and murder, was followed by a clean, fraud-free national election… an election that was supposedly conducted by honest organizations, rather than nefarious organizations staffed by experienced perpetrators of election fraud.

As will be demonstrated during future updates of this chapter, election fraud techniques are, in fact, handed down from generation to generation, among the local politicians in many areas of the nation.

Part A.)Research from book Deliver the Vote: A History of Election Fraud, An American Political Tradition 1742-2004 by Tracy Campbell

P. 281 – In a 2001 report written by the Kentucky secretary of state, the magnitude of the problem was candidly expressed: “Absentee vote fraud in Kentucky is as serious a threat to legitimate elections as outdated punch cards are in Florida.”

P. 281 – One candidate for sheriff stated he could prove that votes were being bought, “if I wanted to get killed.”

Pp. 282-283 – In Dodge County, in south-central Georgia, a primary was held in July 1996 for an assortment of local offices…. both candidates, McCranie and Mullis, were convicted of… conspiracy to buy votes….

P. 285 – No state had gone as far as Oregon, where, beginning in 1996, all elections were conducted by mail… A study of the 2000 Oregon election showed that five percent of voters in one county acknowledged that others had marked their ballots and 2.4 percent admitted someone else had actually signed them.

Pp. 286-287 – On Election Day (Miami), November 4, 1997… “Once an absentee ballot (is) sent in the mail”, (David) Leahy admitted, “we lose control of it. That’s where the vote broker comes in. They can buy it, take it, or talk a vote out of someone who doesn’t know what to do with it.”

P. 288 – …a 1984 Florida Supreme Court ruling that stated courts could invalidate an election’s results if fraud could be proven to have permeated the balloting.

P. 289 – In February 1998, a (Florida) grand jury found that absentee-ballot brokers were essentially “thieves who steal democracy,” and concluded that fraud had tainted the election results.

P. 290 – On March 4, Judge (Thomas S.) Wilson (Jr.)… ordered a new election in two months. (Florida)

P. 291 – A study conducted by Caltech and MIT concluded: “The convenience that on-demand absentees (ballots) produce is bought at a significant cost to the real and perceived integrity of the voting process.”

P. 330 – By 2004, one of the largest manufacturers of touch-screen voting machines was Diebold, Inc., whose CEO, Walden O’Dell… boasted, “I am committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral vote to the president.”

P. 330 – A Diebold vice president, Thomas Swidarski, dismissed charges that programmers could steal votes, and in a phrase eerily reminiscent of Boss Tweed, stated: “Programmers do not set up the elections, election officials do.”

Part B.)Research from article “A Brief History of Mail-In Vote Fraud”, by Dan O’Donnell, 05/28/20

1)1982 Illinois gubernatorial election, extensive fraud ring set up by Chicago Democratic party officials. Main fraud tool was absentee ballots. After extensive federal investigation, 63 convicted on vote fraud charges.

2)1994 in Greene County Alabama, 12 community leaders convicted of mass producing counterfeit absentee ballots.

3)1994 Hialeah, Florida, mayor’s race voided and rerun after mass production of counterfeit absentee ballots was discovered.

4)2003, East Chicago, Illinois, mayoral race voided and rerun due to extensive election fraud.

5)2008 activist group ACORN investigated for election fraud in 10 states, five members convicted.

6)2012 widespread intimidation of elderly and disabled voters in Martin, Kentucky. Absentee ballots involved. 90 months jail time for mayoral candidate Thomasine Robinson.

7)2017 Dallas City Council election, widespread mail-in ballot harvesting operation discovered.

8)2018 North Carolina, large-scale absentee ballot fraud operation by GOP congressional candidate Mark Harris.

9)2005 Commission on Federal Election Reform concludes that “Absentee ballots remain the largest source of potential voter fraud.”
