Populist Expansion

Letter for distribution to second amendment, pro-life, and parents rights activists, regarding a project for populist expansion via election reform. From John Hilt, Illinois activist. [email protected]

Dear activist,

Local activists hold the key to our nation’s salvation.

In the aftermath of the 2-year-long wave of second amendment and pro-life sanctuary county victories, there is an opportunity to grow a populist party; one that could be used as a tool to apply pressure (when necessary) to our representatives in the Republican party. It is important not to rest on our laurels, but to continue the battle to restore a moral America based on Christian values.

There is a system known as Range Voting, that is greatly superior to ranked-choice voting. The system has attributes that will make it ideal for growing a ‘benign’ populist party, one whose primary purpose would be to influence the policies of the Republican party. This populist party could be grown alongside the Republican party, without siphoning votes away from it, or acting as a vote-splitter.

I believe the role of ‘benign’ populist party will be an ideal fit for one of the newly-formed Trump-supporting populist parties, or for a state branch of the Constitution party. Our goal is to lay the groundwork for such parties to expand at the local level. (and to lay the groundwork for independent candidates, as well)

This populist expansion/range voting plan is something that could be launched by a small group of activists, as a ballot initiative in a single county. The project will have great potential to attract the outside logistical and financial support that would supercharge the project.

Your county is fresh from a recent sanctuary ballot initiative victory. Presumably your activist group is still active and communicating with one another. It is my hope that one or more of your members will take the first steps in a range voting marketing test. I would greatly appreciate being put in contact with like-minded activists.

I’ve taken the liberty of attaching a link to the ‘strategy’ page from my website. https://votermuscle.com/strategy/

Let me close by making one thing perfectly clear: we on the right must not fail to harness the power of multiple-choice voting. Election reform is an established movement that is not going away; in the past decade there have been a dozen or more proposals in various regions of the country. Up to now, these proposals have come almost exclusively from the left, and all have been proposals for the substandard, pitiful ‘ranked-choice voting’ system, which is ineffective in expanding the viability of independent candidates or third parties.

It would be a mistake for local activists to assume that a final victory has been achieved because of the wave of rural-area counties adopting sanctuary second-amendment and pro-life policies. The metropolitan-area collar counties will continue to grow and become ever-more powerful bastions of leftism, as urban dwellers migrate outward. Our battle has only begun.

The time is now for the first Range Voting ballot initiative.

Yours very truly, John P Hilt, member Great Awakening, Palatine IL, a citizens action group

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