
Rationale #3

This post describes the rationale for using the book “The Miracle of Freedom: Seven Tipping Points that Saved the World” as reading material for the program Media Analysis Skills Training.

“Of all the people who have ever lived in the world…only 3 percent have lived under freedom.” This startling introduction to “Miracle of Freedom” grips the imagination, and sets the stage for the stories that are to come.

The book will expose youngsters to facts about Western Civilization that they will not learn elsewhere in modern public education. They will learn that over a period of several millennia, the societies collectively known as “the West” have been the only groups in world history who have nurtured the small, centuries-apart sparks that eventually ignited into today’s modern free societies.

The spell-binding stories about ancient Hebrews, Greeks, Romans and others, will fire the imaginations of young freshmen and sophomores.

No student who has read this book will ever be fooled by the frenetic West-bashing currently in fashion in the public school system. That result is the goal of this particular book-reading.