
Harrisburg PA second amendment rally 6/7/21

Letter for distribution to Pennsylvania activists and attendees at the 6/7/21 Harrisburg Second Amendment Rally, regarding Pennsylvania Senate Bill 59 (implementation of municipal ranked choice voting)

Dear activists,

As you are no doubt aware, ‘ranked-choice’ voting is a clumsy, unworkable system that is occasionally pushed by well-meaning Independents, but more often by unscrupulous politicians with nefarious intentions. Were it to be unleashed in the collar counties of metropolitan areas, it most likely would act as a smoke screen….muting the debates between popular local candidates, with a cacophony of gibberish from non-serious candidates intent on pushing cultural marxism.

However, other forms of multi-choice voting have potential to be used productively in the more solidly red portions of your state. The Range Voting system, considered vastly superior to ranked-choice voting by most political scientists, could expand the influence of Constitution Party and TAPPUS candidates….without siphoning votes from, or weakening, the GOP or other major party. Nor would the major parties be required to give up their closed primaries.

Pennsylvania activists should consider recommending to their legislators an amendment to SB 59, giving municipalities the option of Range Voting instead of ranked-choice. (or, alternatively, you could ask your legislator to vote down the bill entirely)

Below is a link to a post containing information you need, in order to write a convincing letter to your legislator.

The above link will be regularly updated with new material during June and July. Care will be taken to use materials that are understood by lay persons.

Sincerely, John P Hilt [email protected] (312)259-5842 (mobile) member Great Awakening, Palatine IL, a citizens action group

RV, simply explained

A simple explanation of Range Voting.

Suppose you want to run for Doe County councilman from District 1, as a populist independent candidate. Your district is mostly GOP voters, but also has a significant percentage of Democrats. Many of the GOP voters have limited-government, populist leanings.

The GOP candidate gets 1,537 votes; the Dem gets 923 votes; and you, the independent, get a measly 137 votes. This happened because the GOP voters were afraid to waste their votes on you, possibly splitting the vote and allowing the election of the Dem candidate.

Now, two years later, there’s another election. During the interim, the Range Voting system has been installed in your county.

Now, each voter has the capability to vote for the GOP candidate…and on the same ballot can give you, the independent, a fraction of a vote…say, 0.9 or 0.8.

This time, the GOP candidate gets 1,611 votes; the Dem gets 942; and you, the populist, get 1,373 votes!

You still did not win….but now, you have become a fixture in local politics. People will take you seriously. During the coming two-year interim, you can spend your spare moments visiting people in the district and explaining to them why your ideas would be beneficial.

And if during this two-year interim, the GOP councilman makes decisions that are not popular with the constituents, this will give you additional topics to discuss with the people…possibly resulting in your winning the upcoming election!

Conclusion: Range Voting allows populist candidates, and their ideas, to remain in the public’s mind between elections….thus giving populism a permanent seat in the public square.

Note: the more widely-known ‘ranked-choice’ voting is a substandard system that is suitable only for multiple-seat districts. Used regularly since 1850, and enjoying good name recognition, it has serious drawbacks and has been deemed inferior to range voting by most political scientists.


Former candidates: Remain a force in local politics

Letter for distribution to former candidates for municipal, county and district public office, regarding a plan for establishment of a permanent seat in the public square for populist ideas.

Dear activist,

Voter Muscle is a project to expand the viability of populist candidates at the local level, via election reform. We hope to recruit you as a spokesman for the project. As someone who has campaigned for public office, your participation would supercharge our endeavor.

Should you decide to support the project, your function would be to participate in zoom panel discussions with activist groups.

Our proposed election reform would give independent candidates, and their ideas, a permanent place in the public mind…regardless of the outcome of the election. This would be accomplished without siphoning votes from the GOP or other major party.

Please peruse the website, at your convenience. Attached are recommended readings from the site: and

Yours very truly, John P Hilt (312)259-5842 (mobile) [email protected] member Great Awakening, Palatine IL, a citizens action group


A new direction for 2A activists

Letter for distribution to 2A county/state sanctuary activists, regarding a plan for solidifying the 2A sanctuaries against the possibility of more election disasters in ’22 and ’24.

Dear activist,

You, as a second amendment activist responsible for the wave of 2A sanctuary counties and states, are in a unique position to unite and solidify the populist regions of the country.

Because your 2A organizations are still intact, and your members still communicating with one another, you are the ideal vehicle to instigate a wave of populist candidates at the local level… candidates who will be rock-solid supporters of your region’s sanctuary policy.

This summer I plan to begin an election-reform ballot initiative in a rural county. (county yet to be selected). The plan is to install Range Voting (not ‘ranked-choice’ voting) as the election system in one or more counties in Western or Southern U.S., for the purpose of expanding the viability of populist and independent candidates. I hope to enlist the support of your organization.

It is important to unify, and strengthen the resolve of, the second amendment sanctuaries…thereby preempting the D.C. establishment’s opportunity to test the resolve of one of the sanctuaries. Unification of the 2A sanctuaries takes on an additional urgency, when one considers the possibility of more election disasters in ’22 and ’24.

This unification and strengthening of resolve will occur if, in a handful of counties, there is a sudden proliferation of limited-government independent candidates running for local public office. Second amendment, pro-life, parent’s rights, conservative school board candidates…all of the ideas that promote freedom would be on display at election time. These ideas would remain in the public mind until such time as they could flourish; and, the gaining of a seat in the public square for populist ideas would be long-lasting and permanent, and not tied to the success or failure of the particular candidates who had espoused the ideas.

And, this would be done in such a way that it would not siphon votes from the GOP, or split the vote. The county Republican party organizations would still be vibrant, able to grow, and able to attract freedom-loving statesmen rather than weaklings.

Here is why you and your organization should support the RV project, even if you are not fans of multiple-choice voting:

1)Even if the project never expands beyond a handful of counties, it will serve notice to the coastal elites that those of us in the hinterlands are considering alternatives to ruling-class authoritarianism. And, news of the project’s partial success will keep our activists motivated and the movement robust.

2)The project could spawn spin-offs….perhaps spawning a movement to get conservatives into the thousands of vacant GOP precinct committeeman positions.

3)All of us activists…pro-life, second amendment, parent’s rights, etc….are fighting the same battle: the destruction of cultural marxism, and the return to the foundations of our nation. In range voting counties, all of these populist groups would have a prominent voice at election time. After the election, the best ideas would remain in the public mind, until such time as the ideas could flourish.

4)The range voting system has attributes that prevent vote-splitting: it is totally benign and will not siphon votes from the GOP or other major party.

5)The RV system will add teeth to your region’s sanctuary status by ensuring that officials faithfully execute the will of the people.

6)As a promoter of RV, your job will be easy because of two major selling points: a)election-reform initiatives always contain a mechanism for repeal, in case the public is dissatisfied. b)Under RV, counting of ballots is done at the precinct….there is no need to transport them to a central location.

At this point in time, aggressive action is important. Even if the RV project turns out to be short-lived or otherwise limited in scope, it is still the correct follow-up move to the 2A sanctuary movement.

Bear in mind that dramatic, large-scale successes are not necessary for our strategy to be highly impactful. The continued motivation of our activists, and the cementing of the resolve of the sanctuary counties, can be achieved with small but noteworthy successes.

Available upon request is an outline of the RV project’s assets, goals and strategy. I am available at any time to meet on skype or zoom.

Please read the related article: “Letter #2 to 2A Activists” this article gives some details of the RV project.

Sincerely, John P Hilt [email protected] (312)259-5842 (mobile) member Great Awakening, Palatine IL, a citizen’s action group

*”A new direction for 2A activists” is an updated, reedited version of the 4/15/21 post, “Letter to 2A sanctuary county activists”