
Letter to activists

Letter for distribution to limited-government activist organizations, regarding technical support for an election-reform ballot initiative. From: John Hilt, [email protected]

Dear activist,

This summer I plan to launch an election-reform ballot initiative in a rural county. (county yet to be selected) We will need technical assistance: in particular, we will need a political scientist and a social media manager, to guide the promotional campaign. Would your organization be willing to commit the services of two such individuals?

Like all activist groups, your organization is already laser focused on a particular mission, and will be loath to commit time and energy to a side project. We understand this, and will keep our drain on your energies to a minimum.

Our plan is to install Range Voting (not ‘ranked-choice’ voting) as the election system in one or more Mid-western or Southern counties, for the purpose of expanding the viability of populist and independent candidates. Here is why your organization should support us, even if you are not a fan of multiple-choice voting:

1) Even if the project never expands beyond a handful of counties, it will serve notice to the coastal elites that those of us in the hinterlands are considering alternatives to ruling-class authoritarianism. News of the project’s partial success will motivate other activists.

2) The project could spawn spin-offs….perhaps a movement to get conservatives into the thousands of vacant GOP precinct committeeman positions.

3) All of us activists….pro-life, second amendment, parents rights, etc….are fighting the same battle: the defeat of cultural marxism, and the return to the foundations of our nation. In range voting counties, all of these groups would have a seat in the public square at election time. The best ideas would remain in the public mind, until such time as the ideas could flourish.

4)The range voting system has attributes that prevent vote-splitting; it is totally benign and will not siphon votes from the GOP or other major party.

I’ve taken the liberty of attaching a summary of strategy:

Local activists hold the key to our nation’s salvation.

Yours very truly, John P Hilt – member, Great Awakening, Palatine IL, a citizen’s action group – [email protected]


Letter to Tea Party

Letter for distribution to Tea Party groups and limited-government activists, regarding expansion of a benign populist party. from John Hilt [email protected]

Dear activists,

For several months I’ve been working on a plan for local-level expansion of a benign populist party, one that would not siphon votes away from the Republican party, nor act as a vote-splitter. The plan involves establishing Range Voting in a handful of counties, as a test of populist-party expansion.

Even if this expanding populist party only fielded candidates for local offices, it would nevertheless remain a threat to the coastal-elites who control the GOP. The fact that voters had an alternative choice would force the ruling class to adjust policies accordingly.

Of course, the ideal course of action to effect GOP policy would be to get conservatives into the thousands of precinct committeeman positions that remain vacant, nationwide. I am all for that, and would be more than willing to work on such a project, while also remaining committed to the populist expansion plan.

As an activist yourself, you no doubt have your own plan for America’s salvation. Do not discard this letter. Pass it along to your associates. Consider it a good Plan B. Let’s start now and implement the plan in one or two counties.

Attached is a page from my website. Please pass it along to like-minded activists.

Sincerely, John P Hilt – member, Great Awakening, Palatine IL, a citizen’s action group


Our goal is to lay the groundwork for populist party expansion by establishing Range Voting in counties across the nation.

We will begin by initiating a marketing test in one selected county.  As the project unfolds, the notoriety will be used to gain interest in other regions of the country.

I. Stage one: marketing test – the groundwork for launching of ballot initiative

1)In the target county, we will locate a resident who is willing to obtain the signatures of a half-dozen friends and relatives on a range-vote marketing test.  These friends/relatives will also get signatures from a couple of their own friends.

If a second amendment or pro-life activist resides in the county, this activist will be approached first, for assistance with the marketing test.

2)When the resident activist has gathered a number of signatures, we will notify regional citizen’s action groups that the groundwork for an election-reform initiative has begun, and we will solicit their assistance.

3)At this time we will also solicit assistance from national groups.

II. Stage two: the promotional campaign after launching of the ballot initiative

Because this first ballot initiative occurs in a staunchly conservative region of the country, the attributes of range voting that advance populism will be stressed in the promotional campaign. In particular, we will stress these attributes:

1)Citizen control of policy: If the county is a second amendment or pro-life sanctuary county, then in order for this sanctuary status to have teeth, it is important to ensure that no candidates are elected who are lukewarm to the sanctuary policy.

Usually in local politics, the most viable candidate is a prominent businessman who has money and name recognition….and, even if this individual is lukewarm toward the county’s sanctuary policy, he or she will probably be elected. The existence of a viable third-party candidate will keep the major-party candidate honest, and loyal to constituents.

2)Effect on regional politics: Your county’s transformation into a range voting/populist expansion county will effect more than local politics…it will also provide momentum toward populist expansion in other regions. Conservative politicians in your state’s metropolitan-area collar counties will become more likely to resist pressure from urban socialist groups.

Thus, populist expansion at the local level will allow citizens to effect policy at the local, regional and national levels.

If you want to be the spark for populist election reform in your county, contact us at [email protected].

Populist Expansion

Letter for distribution to second amendment, pro-life, and parents rights activists, regarding a project for populist expansion via election reform. From John Hilt, Illinois activist. [email protected]

Dear activist,

Local activists hold the key to our nation’s salvation.

In the aftermath of the 2-year-long wave of second amendment and pro-life sanctuary county victories, there is an opportunity to grow a populist party; one that could be used as a tool to apply pressure (when necessary) to our representatives in the Republican party. It is important not to rest on our laurels, but to continue the battle to restore a moral America based on Christian values.

There is a system known as Range Voting, that is greatly superior to ranked-choice voting. The system has attributes that will make it ideal for growing a ‘benign’ populist party, one whose primary purpose would be to influence the policies of the Republican party. This populist party could be grown alongside the Republican party, without siphoning votes away from it, or acting as a vote-splitter.

I believe the role of ‘benign’ populist party will be an ideal fit for one of the newly-formed Trump-supporting populist parties, or for a state branch of the Constitution party. Our goal is to lay the groundwork for such parties to expand at the local level. (and to lay the groundwork for independent candidates, as well)

This populist expansion/range voting plan is something that could be launched by a small group of activists, as a ballot initiative in a single county. The project will have great potential to attract the outside logistical and financial support that would supercharge the project.

Your county is fresh from a recent sanctuary ballot initiative victory. Presumably your activist group is still active and communicating with one another. It is my hope that one or more of your members will take the first steps in a range voting marketing test. I would greatly appreciate being put in contact with like-minded activists.

I’ve taken the liberty of attaching a link to the ‘strategy’ page from my website.

Let me close by making one thing perfectly clear: we on the right must not fail to harness the power of multiple-choice voting. Election reform is an established movement that is not going away; in the past decade there have been a dozen or more proposals in various regions of the country. Up to now, these proposals have come almost exclusively from the left, and all have been proposals for the substandard, pitiful ‘ranked-choice voting’ system, which is ineffective in expanding the viability of independent candidates or third parties.

It would be a mistake for local activists to assume that a final victory has been achieved because of the wave of rural-area counties adopting sanctuary second-amendment and pro-life policies. The metropolitan-area collar counties will continue to grow and become ever-more powerful bastions of leftism, as urban dwellers migrate outward. Our battle has only begun.

The time is now for the first Range Voting ballot initiative.

Yours very truly, John P Hilt, member Great Awakening, Palatine IL, a citizens action group

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